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Asset Pricingx / 34
Behavioral Questionsx / 7
Brain Teasersx / 70
Derivatives Theoryx / 104
Digital Assets - Cryptox / 64
Energy Tradingx / 40
Linear Algebrax / 24
Math Questionsx / 30
Probability and Statistics Theoryx / 137
Programmingx / 34
Totalx / 545

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Title Category Subcategory Difficulty Status
100-Sided Die Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueHard
5 Descending Cards Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueMedium
Basketball Practice #1 Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueMedium
Basketball Practice #2 Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueHard
Cards in Bin Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueEasy
Company Acquired or Not Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueMedium
Dice Game Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueHard
Dice Sum Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueEasy
Dice With Same Numbers Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueMedium
Divisible Throws Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueEasy
Double Down Coin Bet Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueEasy
Drunk Student #1 Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueEasy
Drunk Student #2 Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueMedium
Exponential Distribution #1 Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueMedium
First Ace Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueEasy
First Flip Wins Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueEasy
Flip 100 Coins Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueMedium
Flip 4 coins #1 Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueMedium
Free Ticket Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueHard
Gameshow Stop or Go Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueEasy
Kelly Betting #1 Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueEasy
Kelly Betting #2 Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueMedium
Other Than Six Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueEasy
Repeating Dice Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueEasy
Shooting Star Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueEasy
Specific Card #1 Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueEasy
Sum Two Dice Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueEasy
The Highest Six Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueMedium
Three Blue Orbs Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueMedium
Throw a 6 #1 Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueEasy
Throw a 6 #2 Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueMedium
Throw a 6 #3 Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueHard
Throw a 6 #4 Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueMedium
Throw Until Match Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueMedium
Toy Collection #1 Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueMedium
Toy Collection #2 Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueHard
Two Same Dice Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueEasy
Uniform Distribution #1 Probability and Statistics TheoryExpected ValueHard

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