Fruit Market Making Game



Update Interval βŒ›

15 seconds

Maximum Bag Size 🍎🍊

15 bags

Duration ⏱️

4 minutes


Show Live Score πŸ“ˆ

Show Update Timer βŒ›


Market Events ⚠️


How to Play?

Your Statistics


Welcome to the Fruit Market Making Game!

Ready to put your mental math and market instincts to the test? Here’s how to play:

You’ll be working with two bags of fruit – Bag A and Bag B – each containing a number of apples and oranges. Your goal is to trade based on the market value, which is calculated as:

(Sum of apples from both bags) Γ— (Sum of oranges from both bags)

Let’s break it down with an example:
  • Bag A: 2 🍎, 5 🍊
  • Bag B: 6 🍎, 9 🍊
  • Market value = (2 + 6) Γ— (5 + 9) = 112
The game will present you with a bid and ask price. Your challenge is to buy when the price is low and sell when it’s high. For instance:
  • Bid: 108
  • Ask: 110
Since the market value is 112, buying at the 110 ask is a great deal! Simply click the ask quote to make your move. The quicker you act, the more opportunities you have to profit before the market updates.

Key Tips:
  • Stay sharp! The number of apples and oranges will update after a set interval, which you can adjust in the settings.
  • Be fast! The faster you calculate, the more trades you can make before the next update.
Want to make things more exciting? Enable Market Events in the settings to add twists and challenges!